Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February 17, 2009

Euphie managed to grab a brown marker. She has little stashes of markers of all over the place because she knows we take them away from her whenever we see her with one. Luckily though, today when she pulled one out and tried to draw on stuff, Adelaide helped me take the marker away from Euphie. Thanks, Adelaide. That’s really so much easier on me.

Awhi le back my glasses broke. I don’t remember how--it had something to do with Euphie. Since they were fairly new, we could still get them fixed/replaced at no cost. Naturally, I just took some electrical tape to the frame instead. It even formed a sheath of tape so that the temple could be inserted and stay put despite there being no stickiness of glue left. It worked wonders for half a year. Baby's spit, on the other hand, works wonders when it comes to unraveling tape sheaths. The last couple months have been a horrible chore of me attempting to insert the temple into a farce of a sheath every time I move my head more than an inch at a time. A couple months and I still haven’t bothered to put on new tape.

Euphie likes to clean up messes. She has figured out, in her infinite wisdom, that there must first be a mess in order to clean it. Thus, she makes messes and tries to clean them. Euphie, now complete with an extra centimeter of height, gained the range to reach all counter space in the kitchen. Her new favorite thing to take off the counter (and subsequently dump on the floor to make a cleanable mess) is Adelaide’s formula. Today however, she surprised us as this latest exploration into formulaic fun ended not with wasted powder all over the floor but with a couple scoops of formula in an empty bottle. She even followed it up with trying to put water in after. How can you be angry at such a nice sisterly gesture? You want to know how? You remember how much formula costs.

Frankie came home and told me a factoid about Bruce Lee. The expectant look on his made it obvious he expected me to say, “Oh, did Austin’s Triad buddy tell you that?” But I didn’t because Bruce Lee can do anything, and I don’t see why Austin would tell Frankie something that’s actually true.

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